Song Sparrow

Sex in painting: unknown. Males and females are monomorphic, and both sing.

Average seen per day (only including days with at least 1): 2.8

Percentage of days this species was observed (out of 13 days): 100%

Distinctive Traits: Song sparrows look like a lot of other sparrow species. Look for thick dark brown streaking on the breast and thick pale moustachial stripe (which is exactly what you think it is).

Where to look: Look in eye-level bushes or on the ground in front of where you are walking. You will often flush these birds out before noticing the as you walk.

Something I learned about this bird: Song sparrows fight with Fox Sparrows! Check out the “Favourites” tab for a photo. They were chasing each other in a bush and I snapped a brief standoff between them on the path.



Written on April 11, 2021