Northern Flicker

Sex in painting: male. Note the red moustache stripe – a feature of males only. Males and Females have the black bib and spotted bellies.

Average seen per day (only including days with at least 1): 1.8

Percentage of days this species was observed (out of 13 days): 77%

Distinctive Traits: This woodpecker is large with a spotted belly and black bib. Males have a red stripe on their cheek and females don’t. When they fly, you will see their red underwings. And up close, they are unmistakeable!

Where to look: I found that flickers can be seen in a large variety of places. Sometimes they are 10m up on a tree trunk, or perched on a branch or wire, or flying by, or even on the ground in neighbours’ lawns.

Something I learned about this bird: Crows chase Northern Flickers. During this project I saw two crows chasing two Northern Flickers!



Written on April 11, 2021