Pine Siskin
Sex in painting: unknown. Males and females are sexually monomorphic, meaning males and females look the same.
Average seen per day (only including days with at least 1): 24.5
Percentage of days this species was observed (out of 13 days): 100%
Distinctive Traits: Siskins are tricky to tell apart from finches. Their bill is more slender and pointed than most finches, and they have yellow on their tail and wings.
Where to look: UP! Siskins are often high up in maple trees but can also be on the tops backyard conifers. They flock, so if you see one you will likely see more.
Something I learned about this bird: There are so many siskins in Kitsilano! Before being able to identify them by sound during the project, I did not realize that they travel in large groups and are in the neighbourhood virtually every morning.